Exploring Alita’s AOLPro Through AI: An Exclusive AI Conversation Using NotebookLM

Reading Time: 12 minutes
Published: October 10, 2024
Alita Group
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As a tech services company, we are always exploring new solutions to simplify complex information and improve customer understanding. We recently discovered NotebookLM, Google’s innovative AI tool, which converts complex information into easy-to-understand FAQs, briefs, study guides, and timelines. You simply upload a PDF or link to multiple sources, and NotebookLM goes to work, breaking everything down into digestible, bite-sized pieces. But what really caught our attention was their new AI-generated podcast-style conversation. This feature is perfect for anyone who prefers to listen rather than read.

Check out how NotebookLM transformed the detailed Bradley Arant White Paper that analyzes our Insured Attorney Opinion Letter as an Alternative to Title Insurance, and transformed it into a fully realized podcast. The AI-generated conversation was complete with breaks, clarity, and flow, making a complex topic easy to grasp. We were so impressed that we couldn’t wait to share.

Below, you’ll find the full transcript and the option to listen to the podcast. Enjoy!

Breaking Down Attorney Opinion Letters: A Podcast-Style AI Deep Dive

Male AI Speaker:

Ever feel like real estate just throws terms at you, like you’re supposed to know, but no one explains? 

Female AI Speaker:

Happens all the time, right? 

Male AI Speaker:

Today we’re tackling one of those. Title protection. 

Female AI Speaker:

Protecting your investment, that’s what it’s all about. 

Male AI Speaker:

Exactly. Specifically, those attorney opinion letters, or AOLs. Are they a real alternative to title insurance?

Female AI Speaker:

Especially with things like Alita’s AOLPro getting so much buzz. We’re diving deep into all of it today. 

Male AI Speaker:

And we’ve got some great sources to help us unpack it all too. 

Female AI Speaker:

Absolutely. This isn’t just theoretical, you know. 

Male AI Speaker:

Right, this is about protecting what’s probably your biggest investment. 

Female AI Speaker:


Male AI Speaker:

And it’s interesting how this all goes way back to 1868, this case Watson v. Muirhead. A guy basically gets burned because a lawyer’s opinion letter about a property’s title is totally wrong. This case, believe it or not, this is what sparked the whole title insurance industry. 

Female AI Speaker:

It all goes back to that. 

Male AI Speaker:

Yeah. Which, you know, it’s been the gold standard ever since. 

Female AI Speaker:

It really has.

But it makes sense, right? I mean, you have to have some kind of safety net.

Male AI Speaker:


Female AI Speaker:

Imagine thinking you own a property free and clear and then boom, there’s a hidden lien or some ownership dispute you had no clue about. 

Male AI Speaker:

Oh, a nightmare. 

Female AI Speaker:

Right. Title protection, it’s there to shield you from that financial and legal headache.

Male AI Speaker:

Okay, so if title insurance has been the go to for so long, why are we even talking about AOLs? 

Female AI Speaker:

Well, things are changing. Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac, you know, the big players in mortgages. They’re really pushing for more affordable homeownership. Of course. And they’ve recently started accepting AOLs, and they can be way cheaper than title insurance.

Yeah, saving homeowners potentially thousands of dollars over the life of their mortgage. 

Male AI Speaker:

Wow, that’s huge. Especially for first time buyers. I mean, they’re already stretched thin. I’ll be honest though, you say AOL, And I’m thinking dial up internet days. 

Female AI Speaker:

I know, right? The flashbacks. But trust me, this isn’t your parents AOL.

Male AI Speaker:


Female AI Speaker:

These are modern, insured, attorney opinion letters. They’re made to offer much better protection than the old ones. 

Male AI Speaker:

Like Alita’s AOLPro, right? 

Female AI Speaker:

Yes, exactly. 

Male AI Speaker:

They seem to be the ones everyone’s talking about.

Female AI Speaker:

They are! 

Male AI Speaker:

Especially with their tech focused approach. 

Female AI Speaker:

Yeah, and they’re using technology to really streamline things.

But they still have real estate attorneys, experienced ones, to examine all the fine details of a property’s title history. 

Male AI Speaker:

So it’s less like carrier pigeons, more like algorithms and legal eagles all working together. 

Female AI Speaker:

Exactly. But it’s important to know what these new AOLs are actually trying to fix.

Traditional AOLs, they sometimes miss the mark when it came to really protecting you, especially with complex titles. 

Male AI Speaker:

Right. People worry about, like, stuff slipping through the cracks, you know? 

Female AI Speaker:

Yeah. Like, one big worry was this lack of a strong duty to defend. 

Male AI Speaker:

Duty to defend. Okay, break that down for us. Why should we even care about that?

Female AI Speaker:

Okay, so imagine there’s a title dispute, someone says, Hey, that’s not your property. With a strong duty to defend, whoever’s protecting your title, they have to fight for you in court. 

Male AI Speaker:

Oh, wow. 

Female AI Speaker:

They cover the legal costs, and you don’t have to deal with that whole stressful mess. 

Male AI Speaker:

That’s huge. Nobody wants to spend their weekends digging through property records.

Female AI Speaker:


Male AI Speaker:

Or arguing in court. 

Female AI Speaker:

It’s about peace of mind, you know? You want to know that if something comes up, you’ve got experts in your corner. 

Male AI Speaker:

Totally. Hmm. So how does Alita’s AOLPro do with this whole duty to defend thing? 

Female AI Speaker:

They’re really trying to set a new standard. Alita’s AOLPro, it specifically covers both the mortgagee and the mortgager.

Male AI Speaker:

The who and the who. 

Female AI Speaker:

The lender and the borrower. Both are included in their definition of insured. 

Male AI Speaker:

Ooh, okay.

Female AI Speaker:

So both are protected by that duty to defend, which is a big deal, especially in the secondary mortgage market. 

Male AI Speaker:

So it’s not just about covering the homeowner. They’re also giving those lenders some extra peace of mind.

Female AI Speaker:

Exactly. Which could actually make loans easier to get and more affordable for everyone. 

Male AI Speaker:

Interesting. Yeah. But to really understand why all this matters, we need to dig into the nitty gritty of the risks when you’re buying and selling real estate. 

Female AI Speaker:

Oh, absolutely. 

Male AI Speaker:

Okay. So what are the most common title issues that keep homeowners and lenders up at night?

Female AI Speaker:

Well, we can break it down into two main things. First, errors that happen during the title exam and closing. 

Male AI Speaker:


Female AI Speaker:

And then, those sneaky, unknown problems. We call those basic risk. 

Male AI Speaker:

So the first one, that sounds like, what, just human error? A misplaced document? A missed signature? 

Female AI Speaker:

Exactly. Those seem small, but they can have big consequences.

Imagine a simple filing error leads to a lien being completely missed during the title search. 

Male AI Speaker:

Oh gosh. 

Female AI Speaker:

And suddenly, your whole investment is at risk. 

Male AI Speaker:

That’s scary. So how does Alita stop those small errors from becoming huge problems for people? 

Female AI Speaker:

They use both licensed attorneys and technology. So you’ve got experts looking at documents and software, cross checking everything.

Male AI Speaker:

So it’s like a legal dream team but with like a high tech edge. 

Female AI Speaker:

That’s it. But keep in mind, even the best examination can only uncover what’s there. And that’s where that basic risk comes in, those hidden things in a property’s past. 

Male AI Speaker:

Okay, those hidden things. We need to unpack that more. But first, a quick break.

We’ll be back with more on basic risk and how it plays into all your title protection decisions.

Stick around…

And we’re back talking about those hidden basic risk issues. The ones that can make buying a house a little scary. 

Female AI Speaker:

Yeah, these are the issues, they’re buried deep, you know. Almost impossible to find during a normal title search. 

Male AI Speaker:

So we’re talking like, what, fraud, forgery? 

Female AI Speaker:

Exactly, things like that. Or even like, long lost heirs coming out of nowhere to say they own your property.

Male AI Speaker:

Oh wow, that’s a little too much like a movie, isn’t it? So how do you even protect yourself from something you don’t even know is out there? 

Female AI Speaker:

That’s where the difference between title insurance and these new AOLs like Alita really comes in. Traditional title insurance, it usually gives you broader coverage for these unknown risks.

It’s like a bigger safety net. 

Male AI Speaker:

So if you’re someone who like really worries about this stuff or if you’ve got a property with a complicated past. 

Female AI Speaker:


Male AI Speaker:

Maybe title insurance is still the better option. 

Female AI Speaker:

It’s something to think about, yeah. But it doesn’t mean AOLs like Alitas leave you high and dry.

They still focus on those common risks, those errors during the title and closing process. And those actually make up a lot of title claims. Alita is designed to catch those. 

Male AI Speaker:

Okay, so you’re weighing those common errors against the I guess less common, but potentially much worse, basic risk situations.

But here’s what I don’t get, even if those basic risk things are rare. Isn’t that like, what insurance is for covering those things you never think will happen? 

Female AI Speaker:

It seems that way, right? And this is where Alita is doing something really interesting. They’re trying to solve a problem in the secondary mortgage market that title insurance just doesn’t deal with that much.

Repurchase demands. 

Male AI Speaker:

Repurchase demands, right? Right. We talked about that a little before. Remind us what that even is and why should, you know, regular people care about it? 

Female AI Speaker:

Sure. So let’s say you sell your home. 

Male AI Speaker:


Female AI Speaker:

Few months later. Boom, a title issue pops up. Maybe there was a lien nobody saw or a problem with the mortgage paperwork.

Now the lender, who maybe sold your mortgage to an investor, 

Male AI Speaker:


Female AI Speaker:

they’re the ones stuck with the problem. 

Male AI Speaker:

So the investor is saying, Hey, this mortgage you sold me, it’s no good. I want my money back. 

Female AI Speaker:

Exactly. And a lot of times the lender has to buy back that loan, even if it wasn’t their fault. It’s a mess.

Male AI Speaker:

So it’s like buying a used car with a hidden warranty issue.

But the lender is the one with the bad car 

Female AI Speaker:

Perfect analogy. And that’s what Alita is trying to fix. Their AOLPro actually covers those repurchase demands, so lenders have some extra protection that title insurance just doesn’t give them. 

Male AI Speaker:

So even though they’re really focused on preventing those errors, During the title search and closing, they’re also taking care of this other thing, this repurchase demand that nobody else seems to be talking about.

Female AI Speaker:

That’s exactly it. And for lenders, especially ones who sell a lot of loans, this is huge. 

Male AI Speaker:

Yeah, like offering a warranty on a warranty. But let’s bring it back to, you know, the average person buying a house. What does all this mean for them? 

Female AI Speaker:

Million dollar question. Right. And it’s real estate. So the answer is, It depends.

Male AI Speaker:

Of course. 

Female AI Speaker:

You have to figure out your priorities, how much risk you can handle, and your budget of course. 

Male AI Speaker:

So, finding the option that fits your life, your situation. 

Female AI Speaker:


Male AI Speaker:

Okay, so let’s say I’m that person, I’m buying a house, what questions should I be asking myself? 

Female AI Speaker:


Male AI Speaker:

AOLs versus title insurance? How do I choose?

Female AI Speaker:

Great question. First one. How much risk am I okay with? If you’re the kind of person who stresses over every little thing, maybe traditional title insurance is better for you. 

Male AI Speaker:

Because it’s more comprehensive. 

Female AI Speaker:

Right. But if you’re on a budget And you’re okay with a little more risk, an AOL could make a lot of sense.

Male AI Speaker:

But do your research right. 

Female AI Speaker:

Absolutely. With an AOL, you really want to look closely at the coverage. What does it cover? And more importantly, what doesn’t it cover? 

Male AI Speaker:

Because knowledge is power, especially with this stuff. And speaking of knowledge, it’s one thing we haven’t talked about yet. The cost. Does Alita’s tech approach and its more focused coverage, does that actually save people money?

Let’s find out next on The Deep Dive. Alright, we’re back and it’s time to talk dollars and cents. Does Alita’s AOLPro actually save you money? 

Female AI Speaker:

This is where it gets interesting. Remember those Fannie Mae numbers we talked about? 

Male AI Speaker:

The ones that showed people saving over a thousand bucks when they refinanced.

Female AI Speaker:

Yeah, that’s a pretty big deal. 

Male AI Speaker:

Yeah, a thousand dollars is a thousand dollars. Especially when you’re talking closing costs. But why is it cheaper? Is it just the tech? 

Female AI Speaker:

Tech is a big part of it. Alita and these other companies, they’re using tech to make the whole process faster. Title searches, examinations, all that.

Less overhead usually means lower prices for the customer. 

Male AI Speaker:

So it’s like ordering groceries online versus going to the store yourself. You’re paying for the convenience and it’s faster. 

Female AI Speaker:

Exactly. But it’s not just the tech. The title insurance world, it’s been around forever. Some would say, not enough competition.

Male AI Speaker:

Right, right. 

Female AI Speaker:

But now you have AOLs and suddenly everyone has to step up their game. That could mean lower prices everywhere, even for title insurance. 

Male AI Speaker:

That’s what I like to hear, competition making things better for the consumer. But I gotta ask, if these AOLs are so great, why isn’t everyone using them? 

Female AI Speaker:

Habits are hard to break.

Especially in real estate. People know title insurance, it’s familiar, it’s been around, they’re comfortable with it. 

Male AI Speaker:

It’s like they say, if it ain’t broke, don’t fix it. 

Female AI Speaker:

Exactly. But, as more people hear about AOLs, learn how they work, and see those potential savings, I think we’ll see a big shift. 

Male AI Speaker:

So it’s all about getting the word out, educating people, giving them the facts, so they can make good decisions.

Female AI Speaker:

That’s what we’re all about here. We just want to give you the knowledge you need to navigate this stuff. 

Male AI Speaker:

Couldn’t agree more. So, as we wrap up here. AOLs versus title insurance, what are your final thoughts? What do our listeners really need to remember when they’re buying or selling a house? 

Female AI Speaker:

Biggest thing is, you’ve got options.

Don’t just go with what everyone else does. Take your time, understand this stuff, how much risk can you handle, what’s important to you. 

Male AI Speaker:

And if you’re talking to a lender, ask them about AOLs. Compare prices. Don’t be afraid to negotiate. 

Female AI Speaker:

Exactly. The more you know, the better off you’ll be. Protect that investment.

Male AI Speaker:

Well said. Thanks for joining us on this deep dive into the world of title protection. Whether you go with the old standby, title insurance, or one of these new AOLs, the important thing is you’re making an informed decision. That’s what matters. Until next time, stay curious.

Ready to lower your closing costs? Learn more about Alita Group’s title insurance alternative for homebuyers and start saving today!